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Interested in Joining Sweetbay Pediatrics?

We at Sweetbay Pediatrics are thrilled to have been welcomed to the community with open arms.  Entrusting the healthcare of your children to us is the best endorsement and compliment you could ever provide.

After a brief pause in accepting new patients, we are thrilled to announce that we are currently accepting new members again! If you would like to have your child considered for Sweetbay Pediatrics,  please start by completing the following application:

Sweetbay Application

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Membership Questions?

When your children become members of Sweetbay Pediatrics, you gain immediate access to benefits you won’t find at most practices. Learn More »

Two young caucasian patients of Dr. Beth Galla face each other sitting on the exam table as the younger child listens to their brother's heart through a stethoscope. Dr. Beth Galla looks at them, smiling.